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The Do's and Don't of Building Your Immune System

The Do's and Don't of Building Your Immune System 

New Year vibes are in the air but are so many viruses. As we approach the two year anniversary of Covid, everyone feels like they are immune system experts. The market is inundated with information on what to do to build your immune system. However, it is equally important to look at what not to do as well. It is now more important than ever to fact check, look at the science behind it, and most importantly read nutrition labels.

1. Take Zinc in moderation. There are side effects of taking it long term.

Zinc has a lot of great benefits. It helps the body's immune system fight off bacteria and viruses. It also helps with wound healing and age-related macular degeneration. Good news, zinc is commonly found in a lot of our foods such as red meats, shellfish, nuts, dairy, and whole grains. 

However, It is important to note that you can have too much. Studies have shown that taking a zinc supplement long term can have negative side effects. Long term use and overuse actually lowers your immunity and affects cholesterol levels. Too much zinc can also lead to a copper deficiency leading to neurological problems and muscle weakness. Since zinc is fat soluble, taking more than your body needs can cause vomiting, stomach cramps and headaches.

In summary, taking zinc while sick has added benefits but you may want to rethink taking that extra daily zinc supplement.

Learn more here


 2. Vitamin C: Read the label. Get it from nature not from synthetic ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C helps the body make collagen, an important protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is necessary for healing wounds, and for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth. It also helps the body absorb iron.  Foods rich in vitamin C include oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, kale and broccoli.

If you are taking a vitamin C supplement, it is important to check how your vitamin is sourced. Does the product contain vitamin C from real foods or does it contain synthetic ascorbic acid instead? Ascorbic acid is becoming more and more popular in immune products. Studies have shown that “synthetic" vitamin C may contribute to the formation of genotoxins that can lead to cancer and thickening of arteries.  

Learn the science behind it here and the effects of having too much here.


3. Vitamin D is an important component of the immune system.

According to a study done by the Cleveland Clinic, about 42% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient. The latest research links vitamin D deficiency to mood swings, depression, lack of energy, chronic skin conditions, low immunity and other chronic diseases. Salmon, egg yolks, mushrooms, and tuna are a few great options for getting your daily vitamin D.

Vitamin D is not only important for immune health but it is great for your metabolism and bone health too. Make sure to find this essential vitamin into your daily routine for overall wellness.

4. Take elderberry daily.

The secret is out and it is becoming more widely known that elderberry is an immune boosting powerhouse that is commonly known as "nature's cure." It has been clinically proven to attack viruses, strengthen the immune system, relieve allergies and so much more. What isn't commonly known, is how often to take elderberry and if it is meant to be taken as a prevention or cure. 

It isn’t just about fighting off a cold; the immune system is tied to other conditions like gut health and inflammation. An improper balance of any of these can lead to a whole host of problems ranging from a weakened cardiovascular system, cognitive deterioration, increased stress, and frequent infections - just to name a few. Everything is connected, with the immune system at the core.

Taking elderberry daily can help keep that overall balance that your body needs. Unlike zinc and some other immune health vitamins, elderberry can be taken long term. It is a common misconception that elderberry should only be taken during cold & flu season, or when sick. The reality is, elderberry is MOST effective when taken regularly. Studies show the efficacy of elderberry increases when taken before, during, and after a virus infects a body. 

elderberry syrup

Find all-natural elderberry products here

5. Limit sugar intake.

Sugar, especially fructose (like the sugar in high-fructose corn syrup), negatively effects the immune response to viruses and bacteria. Studies have shown that if someone consumes 75 grams of sugar, their immune system is weakened for at least 5 hours after consumption. For context, one can of soda can have up to 40 grams of sugar. White blood cells are highly affected by sugar. These "killer cells" destroy bad bacteria and viruses. However, they are less effective when exposed to sugar.

Learn more here.

You can't control the viruses around you, but you can control what goes into your body. Be sure to educate yourself on best practices, and most importantly - read labels! Even products that claim to be all-natural can be misleading. Here at Elderberry Boost, we are focused on ensuring our products meet the highest standards.

Stay Boosted,




  • Excellent information. Well written, and easy to understand.

  • Thank you! Some great information

    Lilly and
  • Thank you for all of the great information!

    Tae Christian
  • Awesome!

    garvens brun

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