Elderberry and the Coronavirus
We have received a lot of questions regarding the effects of Elderberry on the new coronavirus, so we decided to do some research of our own!
What is the coronavirus?
Let's start with understanding what the coronavirus is. While the term coronavirus is being used to identify the recent virus outbreak, its important to understand that the recent virus is actually just a strain of a coronavirus. Technically speaking, a coronavirus is a large family of viruses. In fact, the common cold is a strain of coronavirus. More severe strains known to infect humans are SARS and MERS.
The coronavirus typically attacks the respiratory system, although each strain tends to latch onto different areas of the respiratory tract. Less severe strains, like the common cold, tend to latch onto cells higher in the tract, while more severe strains tend to latch onto cells lower in the tract - sometimes even infecting the gastrointestinal tract as well.
What makes the most recent coronavirus outbreak so dangerous is the lack of immunity humans have built against this particular strain - officially named SARS-CoV-2.
Can Elderberry protect against the coronavirus?
The answer to this is not as easy as "yes" or "no", simply because there has been no testing against this particular strain. However, there are plenty of studies that can help us understand the impacts of elderberry, and how it may help protect against the coronavirus.
First, lets outline how a virus works. Unlike bacterial infections, virus's require host cells to grow and infect a human body. They do this by attaching to cells, and injecting their strain into the nucleus. The infected host cell replicates and causes the virus to spread to eventual infection.
Elderberry has been proven to have anti-viral properties. Studies have shown that elderberry contains properties that help inhibit the attachment of viral cells to host cells, as well as inhibiting the entry/injection into the cell. Additionally, elderberry contains properties that can also help inhibit virus's from propagating. Essentially, this means that elderberry can help at multiple stages within an infection process, from inhibiting the initial infection, to inhibiting a viral cells ability to re-produce.
Additionally, there have been multiple studies on the positive effects elderberry has on the cold and flu. Remember - the cold is a strain of coronavirus. There have also been studies on other strain of the coronavirus, which have proven elderberry's ability to inhibit infection.
And while influenza is a different viral family, it similarly attacks the respiratory system. Check out this blog post for details on a number of studies. A simple google search will produce a number of additional studies that confirm the positive impact elderberry has on the cold and flu.
Finally, the best defense against any virus is a strong, healthy immune system. Elderberry has been proven to be a natural immune system booster. It does this by activating the healthy immune system, increasing inflammatory cytokine production.
So while we cannot say for certain whether Elderberry can protect against and fight the current coronavirus outbreak, simply due to lack of studies against this specific strain, there is plenty of evidence that suggests Elderberry may help due to it's immune boosting and anti-viral properties. In addition, there are studies that show the impact of Elderberry against other strains of coronavirus, as well as viruses that similarly attack the respiratory system.
Stay boosted my friends.
Where to buy Elderberry Syrup?
Not all elderberry syrup is created equal. In fact, many store bought elderberry products contain a high amount of added sugars and thickeners, which actually helps feed bacteria's and viruses. To maximize the numerous health benefits of elderberry, it is highly beneficial to find a product that does not contain added sugars or preservatives.
Elderberry Boost is an all natural product that only contains high quality organic ingredients. No sugars or artificial ingredients!
*Although elderberry has been shown to have multiple benefits, we recommend speaking with your doctor about your personal needs. Use herbs in moderation and watch for allergic reactions. If you are taking any other medication, are suffering from a medical condition, and/or are at all concerned about any of the advice or ingredients, consult your doctor before taking the herbs.
Hi Emily!
Sorry to hear about your experience with the new lid. We have experienced a small leak if shaking the bottle too much, which is caused by the small air hole on the lid. This hole helps regulate the pouring so that it is smooth, so it is a necessary component. We have found that covering the hole with your thumb while shaking prevents the leaking, if you wish to try that.
Thank you!
Hello, I just taking the elderberry syrup. I heard wonderful reviews which is why I signed up for automatic shipments. I did purchase the easy pour lid but I’m disappointed because it leaks., When I shake the bottle. Does anyone else have this issue?
Hi everyone!
Regarding the questions about Elderberry and Covid-19 – the information claiming Elderberry can incite a cytokine storm is 100% speculation. There are no cases linking Elderberry as the cause, or attributing to a cytokine storm. Much of the “information” regarding this topic is incomplete, and only partially researched.
I am not advocating one way or the other, as there simply isnt any research on this particular virus. I believe everyone needs to come to their own determination. However, I suggest being informed and looking into the “research” being circulated. In fact, one of the popular articles that I have seen warning of cytokine issues w/ elderberry, references an article that doesn’t actually mention or reference Elderberry at all. So, a perfect example of speculative mis-information that is not backed by facts or research.
Just my 2 cents :)
I just read that Elderberry can make symptoms much worse and permanently destroy your lungs. Do you have any info on this??
I read that Elderberry can be dangerous for COVID-19 because of the cytokine. It makes the lungs work too hard & can make the virus worse. I dont understand it much but I’m wondering if you heard anything about this? Many herbalist are advising against using Elderberry syrup right now